
Treatment, Therapy, and Alternatives

(Ascend Healthcare, 2018).    Treatment for    Benzodiazepines Addcition  Addiction treatment involved many steps for everyone involved. Addiction treatment involves professionals that specialize in addiction. There are three basic addiction treatment components: detox and medical stabilization, substance abuse rehabilitation, and aftercare and relapse prevention (American Addiction Centers, 2020). Since there are many therapeutic approaches, there is no single treatment program that works best for everyone dealing with addiction. Detox is an intervention to achieving lasting recovery, and it is the first step treatment process. At the beginning of recovery, those dealing with benzodiazepine addiction will have different treatment needs than someone dealing with alcohol addiction.  According to Osborn (2020), withdrawing from benzodiazepines can be a difficult and even dangerous process. An individual can expect to feel anxious along with on-edge for several weeks. Other withdrawal sym

Comorbidity and Addiction

  Comorbidity and Benzodiazepines   Benzodiazepines are taken for a variety of reseasons and are easily able to be misused. Benzodiazepines are taken to reduce activity in the nerves of someone's brain. Benzodiazepines can make someone drowsy. They are used to treat general anxiety disorders, panic attacks, insomnia, alcohol withdrawal, and seizures.   Examples of Benzodiazepines:   Ativan  Xanax Klonopin Librium Restoril Valium  Halcion  (Martin, 2019). Many times individuals use other drugs to increase the high they feel when they are just taking benzodiazepines. "The frequency and quantity of alcohol consumption is a major consideration in patients who need treatment with benzodiazepines" (Linnoila, 1990, para 1). When someone drinks alcohol, it affects their GABA-benzodiazepine-chloride ionophore complex and agonist-like action (Linnoila, 1990). Since alcohol has a more anxiolytic efficacy and many individuals that are anxious take advantage of that. Co-administration

The Family and Addictions

The Family and Addictions  (Murray, 2020).    Family Involvement and Benzodiazepines  Benzodiazepines are wildly accepted due to being prescribed by doctors. Once something is prescribed by a doctor, no one-second guesses about the possibilities produced by medications. Benzodiazepines are known as medications that have a calming effect on the central nervous system. This helps tremendously when young adults deal with anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, insomnia, panic attacks, seizures, and other mental health disorders (Murray, 2020). In 2016 16 million young adults were prescribed pain relievers, tranquilizers, or sedatives, and many of these prescriptions were benzodiazepines (Murray, 2020).  If someone cant is prescribed these calming medications, they turn to other places to get them. These places can be the streets, their friends, and their family members. When this happens, individuals are not aware of these medications' serious side effects on their systems. According

Attitudes of Culture

Benzodiazepines and College Students  (William, 2014) College Students Attitudes with Benzodiazepines Benzodiazepines are addictive pharmaceutical drugs that are abused in the United States. Over 38,329 Americans have lost their lives because of benzodiazepines (Juergens, 2019). College benzodiazepine abuse is also apart of this problem, 5 million college students have overdosed on prescription drugs, and 31% is due to benzodiazepine abuse (Juergens, 2019). We all know how stressful college is, and we also know that college for some is freedom and parties. Benzodiazepine abuse can go under the radar when it comes to college students. Benzodiazepines are easily accessible from doctors due to being prescribed to ease anxiety, panic attacks, and seizures. They are abused because of their euphoric effects, and these effects can be  (Juergens, 2019). College students combine what they are taking, such as benzodiazepines, opioids, alcohol, and other drugs, to create a more intense high (Juer

Current Events

BENZODIAZEPINES GETS A STRONGER WARNING LABEL  (Neuroscience Education Institute, 2020).  The Food and Drug Administration (F.D.A) requires a new warning label on psychiatric drugs known as benzodiazepines that will warn the public and health professionals about the serious risks of abuse and addiction (Kaplan, 2020). Benzodiazepines are prescribed for anxiety, insomnia, seizures, panic disorders, and various other health problems. Certain benzodiazepines are given before medical procedures that will slow brain activity and cause sedation or a calming effect (Kaplan, 2020).  The F.D.A is an agency within the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services that protect public health by the safety, effectiveness, and security of human and veterinary drugs, vaccines, other biological products for human use, and medical devices (U.S. Food & Drug Adminstration, 2020).  Benzodiazepines are popular in all ages. According to Kaplan (2020), in 2019, approximately 92 million prescriptions f


  BENZODIAZEPINES   - JANUARY 28, 2021   (Smith, 2019) WHAT IS BENZODIAZEPINES? Benzodiazepines are prescribed to help with anxiety or insomnia. Benzodiazepines work to calm or sedate an individual. This works by raising the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA in the brain (NIH, 2018). Common benzodiazepines are diazepam (Valium), alprazolam (Xanax), and clonazepam (Klonopin) (HIH, 2018).  HISTORY  (Roche, 2021)  In 1955 Hoffmann-La Roche, along with Leo Sternbach, identified the first-ever benzodiazepine know as chlordiazepoxide-Librium (Wick, 2013). Hoffmann-La Roche in 1960 introduced chlordiazepoxide as  Librium and it was pursued molecular modification for enhanced activity(  Wick, 2013). Then in 1963 Valium-diazepam made an appearance. Roche's competitors were looking for analogs for different substances. Everyone thought benzodiazepines were less toxic and less likely to cause dependence than other older drugs (Wick, 2013). Medical professionals were enthusiastic at first for b